(This makes sense if you know who Sam Wilson really is.) Their chemistry allows us a more personal investment in their action sequences, some of which I'm almost ashamed to admit had me worried for the good guys. When the two officially meet, Mackie and Evans play the short scene in a manner that immediately suggests the start of a beautiful friendship. "To your left!" Rogers keeps yelling as he passes by, much to Wilson's bemused annoyance. Rogers runs his laps so quickly (after all, he IS a superhero) that he keeps passing Sam Wilson ( Anthony Mackie) before Wilson can complete one of his. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" re-introduces Evans' nearly 100 year old character, Steve Rogers, as he is jogging around Washington D.C. I won't tell you anything except that the final showdown between hero and assassin is rife with a refreshing amount of fraternity and sacrifice. Avoid the IMDB if you don't want to know who The Winter Soldier is, but I expect you know already. The most impressive weapon in his arsenal is The Winter Soldier of the title, a Russian assassin with a metal arm and an intensity matched only by another of his targets, Captain America ( Chris Evans). Jackson) is behind it, Pierce sends out an amazing amount of firepower to kill him. becomes compromised, and it looks as if Nick Fury ( Samuel L. Redford clearly relishes his villainy, but he makes the expert decision to underplay it even while shooting people in cold blood.

Of course, this needs to fall into the wrong hands, and Pierce has no problems finding a few. Once launched, it has the ability to zap millions of potential and actual threats with the push of a button. Alexander Pierce is a bigshot at S.H.I.E.L.D., in charge of a defense project that has more than a hint of " Minority Report" to it. Speaking of Redford, he shows up in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" as the type of shady power figurehead he would have been running from in his Sydney Pollack movies. And the story has a hint of the '70s era paranoia films that starred Robert Redford and Warren Beatty. Despite the fight sequences' occasional visits to the Jason Bourne/Cuisinart school of editing, the action scenes are suspenseful. The actors inject some welcome, unexpected emotion into their characters. For a change, you can walk in cold and you won't be too lost. With that said, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is a very good movie, the rare film in this genre that serves as both entry point and continuation. Plus, the slavish devotion to lore sometimes comes at the expense of making a good movie. Sometimes the onscreen information is so sparse that the studio should pay you for doing all the work. It's a lot easier-and lazier-for a screenwriter to simply do a roll call of characters and events while letting fans fill in all the blanks. My problem with many of them is that they only preach to the choir, operating under the assumption that everyone in the audience knows all the hymns. Outside of Spider-Man, which I read as a kid, everything I know about superheroes I've learned from their movies. I cop to being in the dark about the minutiae of the Marvel Universe. Whatever it is, it must have been pretty damn good. The audience I was with seemed to know what was going on (there were gasps). I couldn't explain it if I tried, because it is merely set-up for the next Marvel movie. The other made no sense to me and I HAVE seen the film. One of them will make no sense to you until you've seen the film. There are two post-credits sequences in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," and it would be useless and unwise for me to spoil either.